Run a free Colorado probation search to find information about people who received alternative sentencing in a criminal case in the Centennial State.
When a person is convicted of a crime in Colorado, part of their sentencing may include probation. This is a form of supervised release that lets the offender avoid going to jail in exchange for agreeing to specific terms and conditions.
Parole is similar, but is usually granted to offenders who serve part of their prison sentence and are released early from custody after being deemed rehabilitated by a parole board.
Concerned citizens and other interested parties can search for probation information on Colorado offenders using several methods, as information is readily available for both parolees and probationers throughout the state. This resource helps members of the public to access official probation records quickly and conveniently.
How To Look Up Probationers’ Statuses for Free in CO
The state of Colorado has no centralized database for probation records and copies of court documents are not kept online.1 Members of the public seeking information on an offender on probation must contact the relevant court or Judicial District.
In Colorado, probation is usually supervised by a probation officer, who is an officer of the court assigned to the person’s case. The probationer meets regularly with the assigned probation officer and may be subject to drug and alcohol screenings (sometimes randomly). The Division of Probation Services has offices in each county.2
Probation can also be unsupervised, with the probationer directly reporting to the court. The bulk of offenders in Colorado, especially first-time offenders and non-violent individuals, are eligible for probation.
The Colorado Judicial Branch provides public access to court records, which is an effective way of searching for case dispensations to determine the probation status of offenders within the state. This type of Colorado supervision record search must be done in person by visiting the court where the case was filed, including documents for misdemeanor, felony, domestic and traffic cases.
Case documents may be available for county court cases as well.
Colorado Probation Search: Find Details or Status via County & Municipal Agencies
All counties and municipalities in Colorado report probation details to the Division of Probation Services. Interested parties can make a Colorado probation data request by emailing the probation department at

Users can use this email address to find specific probation information for every location in the state. This includes the most populous areas, such as Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora and Fort Collins. Adult supervision via probation is handled by the Colorado Judicial Department in all of the state’s 22 judicial districts, with 23 probation departments that oversee 50 individual probation offices.
It’s also possible to contact the trial court in the city or county where the offender was charged or indicted of their crime and originally sentenced. Information regarding the person’s probation status is part of their criminal record and, therefore, is available to the public upon request.
Members of the public can also contact one of the following probation offices in Colorado:
County Office | Address | Telephone Number |
El Paso County Probation | 4th Judicial District Probation Department 270 South Tejon Street W200 Colorado Springs. CO 80903 |
719-452-5900 |
Denver County Probation | Denver District Court Probation 5th Floor 303 West Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80204 |
303-607-7104 |
Arapahoe County Probation5 | 18th Judicial District Probation Department 6904 South Lima Street Centennial, CO 80112 |
720-213-7800 |
Jefferson County Probation | 1st Judicial District Probation Department Suite 2070, 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, CO 80401 |
720-772-2300 |
Adams County Probation | 17th Judicial District Probation Department Suite 200 12200 Pecos Street Westminster, CO 80234 |
303-255-4226 |
How To View Probation Violations & Supervision Officer Contact Details in Colorado
Contact information for probation departments in the state is provided online via the Colorado Judicial Branch’s website.
The site’s search tool offers fast access to contact details — simply type the name of the assigned city where the probation office is located.6 Alternatively, search for contact details by clicking on the county where the probationer is assigned to determine the office’s address and the contact information for the office’s probation officers.7

A probation violation occurs when an offender doesn’t abide by the terms and conditions set out by the court during the sentencing phase of their criminal case. A judge can decide to revoke probation and remand the offender back to jail to finish out the remainder of their sentence if they violate their probation terms.
Violations usually include failing to report as requested by a probation officer, testing positive for alcohol or drugs during a scheduled or random drug screening, or committing an additional criminal offense, among other possibilities. Someone who absconds from probation supervision usually does so to avoid arrest for an unlawful action or to avoid a drug screening.
Leaving their residence without informing or getting permission from their probation officer or leaving the state without permission are additional reasons that probation may be violated. A Colorado supervision status search can help determine if an offender has violated their trial terms since the violation is added to the individual’s criminal history.
How To Check Which Colorado Residents Are on Parole
Parole decisions are made by the board of the Colorado Division of Adult Parole.8 Contact details for the parole board are:
Colorado State Board of Parole
Building 54, 1600 West 24th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
Telephone: 719-583-5800
Parole board hearings are open to members of the public. Review meetings are held at correctional facilities and each has its security requirements. Interested people should contact the offender’s parole officer to establish how to apply for a security clearance.
Information from the parole system, including probation information, is accessible using the Offender Search tool maintained by the Colorado Department of Corrections.9 To use the tool, enter search criteria, including a first and last name or DOCNO number for the person, select the gender of the person (or search by all genders) and click Submit.
Search results for each offender by that name appear and include the person’s ethnicity, gender, facility location and age to help confirm the record is for the individual in question.

Click the name of the offender to see additional information, including parole status, next parole hearing date, estimated sentence discharge and mandatory release dates.

This form also includes the offender’s parole region. There are 19 parole offices across Colorado. Members of the public contact the parole officer through the following address:
Parole Offices
1250 Academy Park Loop
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Telephone: 719-579-9580
In Colorado, individuals found guilty of a felony (class 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 only) or for a drug felony (levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 only) may be eligible for parole under Department of Corrections guidelines. Offenders’ circumstances are reviewed regularly by the State Board of Parole.
Eligibility is based on the parole board’s collective decision that the offender is unlikely to violate any additional laws. Once parole is approved, the offender is released from DCR custody and rejoins society, either in a halfway house or their own residence.
Continued eligibility for parole hinges on the individual abiding by the terms of their release from custody. For example, the parolee must report to an assigned community parole officer regularly and agree to random drug or alcohol screenings. The individual may be required to attend counseling, group therapy sessions, or Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous NA meetings.
Other stipulations may apply and vary based on the parole board’s mandates. If the parolee does not follow the terms and conditions of release, parole can be revoked and the offender returned to custody, usually for the remainder of the original sentence.
Colorado understands that citizens are entitled to know the history of individuals moving into their areas, applying for jobs with their organization, or seeking rental housing. This includes information about formerly imprisoned individuals serving the remainder of their sentences on probation or parole.
The state offers a convenient system to find criminal records information and perform Colorado probation searches for the good of the community and the safety of its neighborhoods; to expand your search to additional crime information, refer to the CO criminal and arrest record lookup tutorial.
1Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Courts Records Search. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
2Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Probation Services. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
3Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Reports and Data. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
4Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Public Access to Court Records: Addendum A. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
5Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Arapahoe County Probation. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
6Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Probation Departments by County. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
7Colorado Judicial Branch. (n.d.). Probation Officer Phone and Email List. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
8Colorado Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Parole and Re-Entry Services. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>
9Colorado Department of Corrections. (2024). CDOC Offender Search. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from <>